The Prayer Life Of A Christian
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While nothing in the Christian life is more important than establishing a relationship with God, the truth is that most of us who call ourselves Christians are sorely delinquent in doing it. In addition, we habitually either throw up careless prayers without much thought or we fail to pray for our family and friends at all or very sporadically.
This little booklet is loaded with information but more important it is a challenge to each of us to improve our communications with God and increase our desire to pray more for others and to pray intelligently for them.
This book will encourage, challenge or offend you depending on your approach to the content.
This little booklet is loaded with information but more important it is a challenge to each of us to improve our communications with God and increase our desire to pray more for others and to pray intelligently for them.
This book will encourage, challenge or offend you depending on your approach to the content.