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What is our conception of Him?

What can be known about Him?

Who Or What Is God?

First of all, I would like to say what God is not.  

God is not a created being. He is not a man. He doesn't resemble man in any way physically. God is not simply the figment of anyone's imagination and God is not "the man upstairs.   So who or what is God?

God is a Spirit - John 4:24.  A spirit is something that you and I cannot see. It is a living entity that transcends mortal understanding. In this case, God is unique more than all spirits because He is the only personage in existence who was never created and always existed in eternity past, exists in eternity present and will continue to exist for all eternity. There are many lesser spirits in the universe including the angels of God, all of mankind and Satan and his demons or fallen angels, but all of these are created beings.  All spirits will exist forever as scripture will bear out.

God is the only living and true God - 1 Thessalonians 1:9"For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God." People who misunderstand this have some problem with the English language as it regards sentence structure. For instance, take the word "the." When that word comes in front of something it implies no other something exists as in  "The one true and living God."  If one is to believe this phrase as presented they must also believe that there are no other true and living gods, and that all who claim there are more than one are deceived or lying.  When "the" is used in this manner it negates any other similar thing and makes the thing spoken of to be exclusive and singular.  So we can't use "the" about two different things, or in this case, gods. So Christians have to be narrow-minded to walk the narrow road that leads to eternal life and they must believe that It can be no other way!  The worship of any other gods is called idolatry in the Bible.  The  God of the Bible is the only genuine God in existence.  That would leave all other gods to be the imagination of men and/or the devices of Satan to lure people away from the "one true and living God."       


There is only one true and living God in the universe according to the Bible, and all other gods are false gods or idols. People who worship 

those gods are guilty of idolatry and the teachers who promote those gods are called false prophets, deceivers, false teachers, and servants of 

the devil among other things. This is not a popular teaching among the people who follow the other gods; especially their leaders and holy men, however the scriptures are true. The Bible says; "Let God be true and every man a liar." (Romans 3:4) Whoa! This is too much, you might say, but I say unto you that if you believe you have truth to tell and you apologize for that truth, then it is not really truth to you, and that would make you a self-deceived person or a deceiver whose claim to believing in something is not true at all. I believe that there are moral absolutes in the universe, and truth is a major one that God expects from everyone!

​​How can ​anyone honor a person who is constantly shifting positions; especially when it involves God or what men believe to be God?  Of all the topics on earth discussed and debated by men, God is the most crucial of all if we believe there is an accountability to God and consequences to how we live and eternal life ahead.  Here are some scriptures about the Bible's God being the one true and living God: Jeremiah 10:10 - "But the Lord is the true God; he is the Living God and an Everlasting King; at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation."  I Thessalonians 1:9 " For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God."  I John 5:20 "and we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son, Jesus Christ​​​, This is the true God and eternal life."  John 17:3 - "And this is life eternal; that they might know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent." 

It is very significant that when speaking of God the Bible doesn't say he is one of many true and living gods.  By using the in all reference to him, it makes him exclusive and proves that the God of the Bible alone is the only true and living God in existence!

God is Elohim - All through the Old Testament the predominant name for God is Elohim which indicates "plurality in the Godhead."  Not one genuine scholar of scripture will deny this, and even the best Jewish scholars acknowledge this.  The Christian concept of the Trinity comes from this. A host of other scriptures have proven in a conclusive manner that there are three persons in the Godhead  The word Trinity is not in the Bible anywhere.  Those three persons are God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost. This issue will be covered more thoroughly in other teaching that will appear on this site as time permits.

In the Greek language of the New Testament the word for God is "Theos" in every reference.  The word theos simply means God the creator and owner of all things.  While there is no indication of plurality in the Greek word for God there are enough verses in the New Testament Greek text to strongly support the concept of a Trinity or Godhead. The word Godhead is found three times in the New Testament.

God's Perfection

 Matthew 5:48 - "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect."


For an imperfect being to perfectly understand a perfect being is an utter impossibility! We stretch our limited imaginations to the breaking point and yet never understand this quality of completeness and independence! Perfection is unalterable because it is already all that it can be or ever will be. It can never be more or less than it is. If God were able to change he would either be lesser than he is now or greater than he is now. To be lesser would be to be imperfect, and to be greater would make him imperfect as well because if he could change once in any way, he could change at any other time to a greater or lesser being. It is because God is unchangeable that we can trust him to be everything he says he is at all times. Mankind will always be vacillating; trusting to his emotions and as unstable as water. God alone can be implicitly trusted to never fail us! God is perfect in every way. When he loves his love is the most complete love that can possibly be, and when he is angry or filled with wrath his anger and wrath are the most complete that can be. His knowledge is perfect, his mercy is perfect, his power is perfect, his understanding of all things is perfect, his compassion is perfect,his judgments are perfect, and so there is nothing about him in any aspect of his being, character or attributes that is not as complete as it will ever be at any time.

This is something that offends rebellious men who love to believe better of themselves than they ought to, and who hate God because they want to attain to his stability and power and never can! In their spiritual blindness they reject absolute truth and run to and fro in the earth and die without hope, hardened in their hearts and despised by those they misled during their lifetime. Why should I attribute spiritual blindness to the unregenerate heart? The Bible is very clear on this issue that those outside of Christ are spiritually blind and spiritually dead in their sin and trespasses against a Holy God. Salvation is the only possible cure for all blindness or ignorance of spiritual truth At the point of salvation our spiritual eyes are opened for the first time in our life, and we are able to see life as it really is. We then begin to understand that the spiritual realm is more real than the physical realm. Consider that God cannot sin. If he were able to sin one time he would no longer be perfect and he would no longer be God.

James 1:13 - “God cannot be tempted with evil.” For God to be perfect he has to be free from temptation, and because he cannot sin, temptation has no place in him. He is the only flawless one in the universe, and those who have placed their trust and hope in him are blessed beyond their wildest imaginations! What a blessing this is to those who trust him and desire to serve him and bring glory and honor to him! How is it not possible to believe in this great God who is the most consistent being to ever exist in the realms of time and eternity? Consider that when he loves you his love is never one degree colder or one degree hotter than it ever has been, is right this moment or ever will be. Is there anyone we know who is more worthy of our trust? This isthe most delightful thing about God! It puts its seal on all the other attributes! This attribute enhances, fortifies, amplifies and should vastly increase our appreciation of all his other attributes!

HE IS MORE THAN WORTHY OF ALL THE PRAISE WE CAN GIVE HIM! Psalms 18:3 - "I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised; so shall I be saved from mine enemies." Isaiah 40:22 - "It is he who sits upon the circle of the earth and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers." ALL HIS WAYS ARE PERFECT!

C R Lord © 2015

Revised 7/24/2023