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What Is Religion

Definition of Religion - The search of the soul for an adequate and satisfying consciousness that there is a Supreme being along with the impulse to seek that being and surrender to that being.


Religion is universal to man. It differentiates man from beasts as no animal displays any evidence of religious life. Some men lack desire for religion, yet as a whole, mankind is religious.

There has never been a tribe that did not have some form of religion, and so, religion has been one of the most powerful factors in all of human existence. 


Religion gives a person confidence in the outcome of life's struggles as they connect with the power that rules the destinies of all mankind. It provides individuals with additional abilities and satisfaction, helps an individual to bear with the troubles of life, improves the quality of his present life, offers a hope of a better future life, and sets a working plan of salvation.


Deities are Superhuman in character and power even though a deity may be similar to a human being in some respects. Deities are super sensuous in that the deity is invisible but can be represented in material ways. Deities are ruling over the natural world and human destiny, and are responsive to the efforts of the person seeking the deity. Deities arouse worship from human beings.


Depending on the religion there is one God or numerous gods making each religion monotheistic or polytheistic. Some religions believe their deity is either a person or an abstract principle (ie; Christianity believes God is a heavenly father while Christian Science believes God is massive mind and all human minds will be absorbed into that mind eventually). Some religions teach their deity is limited in power and others teach the deity is the absolute power in the universe. Some religions believe their deity has moral absolutes to be obeyed and other religion believe morals are arbitrary making few or no demands on them. This is an issue of accountability and responsibility. Some see their God as just and loving while others believe their god to be vengeful yet forgiving.


Idealism - the belief that thoughts are reality and the material universe is an illusion.

Materialism - The belief that only what can be sensed physically is real. This is the opposite of Idealism. The Christian scriptures teach that there are things which may not be sensed physically but are very real, and equally as real. Two terms associated with this belief are temporal or temporary things and eternal or things that will exist forever.

Deism - The belief that God created the world but he is not involved in the affairs of mankind and let's them live as they will and never thinks to be involved with their lives. Christianity strongly refutes this.

Theism - The belief that God created the world and exerts influence over it and always has. This is strongly present in Christian belief.


Religions which began in Southern Asia - Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism

Religions which began in Eastern Asia - Confucianism, Taoism and Shintoism

Religions which began in Western Asia - Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Zoroastrianism

Hinduism 2000-1500 BC Aryan invasion of India

Judaism 1500-1200 BC Approximate date of Moses

Shintoism c. 660 BC First Japenese Emporer

Zoroastrianism c. 660 BC Zoroaster's Birth

Taoism c. 604 BC Lao-tse's Birth

Jainism c. 599 BC Mahavira's Birth

Buddhism c. 560 BC Buddha's Birth

Confucianism c. 551 BC Birth of Confucius

Christianity c. 4 BC The Birth of Jesus Christ

Islam c. 570 AD Birth of Mohammed

Sikhism c. 1469 AD Guru Nanak's Birth

NOTE: Religion is man seeking some way to be righteous enough to please a deity or god, while Christianity teaches that there is no way we can satisfy God in our own righteousness but as unworthy sinners we must come asking God's forgiveness and trusting that Christ's sacrificial death for all mankind is payment in full for our sins.

C R Lord © 7/29/2023