Christians In Politics
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This presentation is a challenge to Christians to pay attention to what's going on around them that could have a long range affect on them, their children and their grandchildren. It is 19 pages nicely illustrated and packed full of information that many people may not be aware of.
This is an important book for the time we're living in because America and the world is under a fierce attack by people who deem themselves wise enough to rule us all.
Note: The + sign at the end of a price means you can pay the actual cost or anything above it. You make the choice of what the product is worth to you.
This is an important book for the time we're living in because America and the world is under a fierce attack by people who deem themselves wise enough to rule us all.
Note: The + sign at the end of a price means you can pay the actual cost or anything above it. You make the choice of what the product is worth to you.